Leg Vein Treatments

What kind of treatment is used for Leg Veins?

Sclerotherapy is a method to eliminate leg veins, varicose veins, and superficial telangiectasias (spider veins) by injecting a solution, called a sclerosing agent, into the veins. The majority of persons who have sclerotherapy performed will see good improvement. There is no guarantee that sclerotherapy will be effective in every case, as no medical technique is perfect and the severity of the involvement varies. It is impossible to cause all spider veins to fade; improvement of 60% to 90% is usual with a full course of treatment. Approximately 10% of patients who undergo sclerotherapy have poor results, i.e. that veins have not totally disappeared after six treatments.

The number of treatments needed to clear or improve the condition differs from patient to patient, depending on the extent of spider veins present. One to six, or more, treatments may be needed; the average is three to four. Individual veins require one to three, or more, treatments. Your vessels will slowly fade away over a period of six months and you should be prepared for this.†

What to expect from Leg Vein Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence, but it’s unrealistic to believe that every affected vein will disappear completely as a result of treatment. After each sclerotherapy session, the veins will appear lighter. Two or more sessions are usually required to achieve optimal results.

You should also be aware that the procedure treats only those veins that are currently visible; it does nothing to permanently alter the venous system or prevent new veins from surfacing in the future.

Before you decide to have sclerotherapy, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your doctor.

Risks related to Sclerotherapy treatment for Leg Veins

Serious medical complications from sclerotherapy are extremely rare when a qualified practitioner performs the procedure. However, they may occur. Risks include the formation of blood clots in the veins, severe inflammation, and adverse allergic reactions to the sclerosing solution and skin injury that could leave a small but permanent scar.

A common cosmetic complication is pigmentation irregularity – brownish splotches on the affected skin that may take months to fade, sometimes up to a year. Another problem that can occur is “telangiectatic matting,” in which fine reddish blood vessels appear around the treated area, requiring further injections.

You can reduce the risks associated with treatment by choosing a doctor who has adequate training in sclerotherapy and is well versed in the different types of sclerosing agents available. A qualified doctor can help you select which type of sclerosing medication is most appropriate for your needs.

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