Juvéderm Volbella® XC

What is Juvéderm Volbella® XC?

JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC injectable gel is for injection into the lips for lip augmentation and for correction of perioral rhytids in adults over the age of 21.

What results can you get with Juvéderm Volbella® XC?

At three months, 80.3% of patients had at least a 1-point improvement in lip fullness and 96.1% of patients treated with JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC reported improvement in satisfaction with their lips.

Juvéderm Volbella – Before
Juvéderm Volbella® XC – Before
Juvéderm Volbella – After
Juvéderm Volbella® XC – After
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