
What is Microdermabrasion?

Quite literally, Microdermabrasion is the rubbing away, or removing, of dead skin cells in small quantities. We provide Microdermabrasion to our clients in the local Minnesota area.

Microdermabrasion is a professional treatment performed with the use of specifically designed equipment that emits corundum (aluminum oxide) crystals through a handpiece onto the skin. Corundum is a natural, inert mineral. In this procedure, the crystals DO NOT penetrate the skin and there is no adverse reaction to them. The crystals exfoliate dead skin cells, and some doctors believe it might stimulate collagen formation within the deeper skin layer, the dermis. Collagen is the substance that strengthens and supports the skin. As we age, collagen fibers may fragment and suffer damage from sunlight exposure. The FDA has classified microdermabrasion as Class 1, which means that it is at the lowest level of safety concern.

How Does Microdermabrasion Work?

The skin is first cleansed. Next, the microdermabrasion is performed. The handpiece of the machine is moved slowly over the skin until the entire area is thoroughly exfoliated. Then, special areas such as excessive pigmentation can be addressed by administering further passes over these areas for deeper exfoliation. Finally, a soothing hydrating cream is gently applied. Patients who are being treated for hyperpigmentation will also have a sunscreen applied. A full facial microdermabrasion is recommended.

Microdermabrasion Steps

What conditions can be treated with Microdermabrasion?

  • Fine lines, wrinkles
  • Age, sun and “liver” spots
  • Blackheads and acne
  • Dehydrated, dull skin
  • Hormonal pigmentation
  • Oily skin, large pores
  • Post-acne pigmentation

Often, the best results are achieved from combination therapy. Microdermabrasion can be combined with chemical peels, Botox therapy and topical agents such as Kinerase Tretinoin, Retin A, Renova and alpha-hydroxy acids. Your dermatologist or nurse can determine the ideal combination therapy for you. Packages are available at special pricing.

What cannot be treated with Microdermabrasion?

  • undiagnosed lesions
  • skin cancers
  • recent herpes outbreaks
  • warts
  • active rosacea
  • unstable diabetes
  • autoimmune disorders
  • birthmarks, moles and freckles
  • Patients with history of cold sores will require anti-viral prescription pre- and post- treatment.

Are there special precautions needed before Microdermabrasion?

Kinerase Tretinoin, Retin A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac or alpha-hydroxy acid creams are not recommended be used for two or three days pre and post treatment. Sunscreen should be applied post-microdermabrasion on a routine basis to guard against sunburn or excessive pigmentation. Waxing should not be done for at least 2 days pre and post treatment. Accutane is contraindicated with microdermabrasion. Patients who have taken Accutane are advised to wait four to six months before undertaking microdermabrasion.

Does the treatment hurt?

No. Most patients describe it as “pleasantly scratchy” and “refreshing.”

How many treatments will I need?

That depends on the skin or condition being treated. Darker pigmentation and more severe sun damage will require more treatments. Usually 4-10 treatments are recommended 2-4 weeks apart. Typically, although the skin will look and feel refreshed, smoother and softer after one treatment, the most dramatic results show about the fourth treatment.

What will my skin look like after treatment?

Usually the skin will have a warm pinkish glow for a few hours, similar to having been in the sun.

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